ROS 2 provides a set of command-line tools that can help you debug and test your ROS 2 applications. Some of the most useful tools are:
- ros2 node : This tool allows you to list, inspect, and interact with the nodes in your system. You can use it to check the node names, namespaces, types, and status, and to call services or invoke actions.
- ros2 topic : This tool allows you to list, inspect, and interact with the topics in your system. You can use it to check the topic names, types, publishers, and subscribers, and to echo, publish, or record messages.
- ros2 service : This tool allows you to list, inspect, and interact with the services in your system. You can use it to check the service names, types, servers, and clients, and to call or offer services.
- ros2 action : This tool allows you to list, inspect, and interact with the actions in your system. You can use it to check the action names, types, servers, and clients, and to invoke or offer actions.
- ros2 param : This tool allows you to list, inspect, and interact with the parameters in your system. You can use it to check the parameter names, types, and values, and to get, set, or load parameters.