In order to test and measure lazy loading in Angular, you need to use specific tools and methods that can help you analyze the performance and behavior of your application. Chrome DevTools can be used to inspect and debug your application, as well as view the network requests and responses, the size and duration of each request, and the waterfall view of the sequence and timing of each request. Additionally, the Coverage tab can be used to see how much code is used or unused in your application, while the Performance tab shows CPU and memory usage, as well as frames per second (FPS). Angular CLI can be used to build and serve your application, with the --prod flag allowing for optimized and minified bundles and modules. Using the --stats-json flag generates a stats.json file, which contains detailed information about bundles and modules such as size, dependencies, and entry points. Webpack Bundle Analyzer or Source Map Explorer can be used to visualize this file. Lastly, Lighthouse audits your web application to provide recommendations and metrics on performance, accessibility, best practices, SEO, First Contentful Paint, Time to Interactive, Speed Index, and Total Blocking Time.