Curiosity and openness can be leveraged to sharpen your problem-solving skills by broadening your options, stimulating your creativity, and improving your collaboration. To apply them to problem-solving, you can start by defining the problem. Ask questions that clarify the nature, scope, and impact of the problem. Acknowledge your assumptions and biases, and consider different perspectives and opinions. Once you have a better understanding of the problem, use your curiosity to explore various sources of information, inspiration, and insight. With an open mind, brainstorm, experiment, and test different possible solutions without judging or dismissing them prematurely. Then use your curiosity to gather feedback, evidence, and data that support or challenge your ideas. Be open-minded when evaluating each idea, weighing the pros and cons of each one. When it comes time to implement your chosen solution, use your curiosity to monitor the progress and results. Lastly, be open to celebrating successes, learning from failures, and adapting to changing circumstances.