Distributed systems are composed of multiple nodes that communicate and collaborate over a network to accomplish a shared goal. These systems permit users to access and process huge amounts of data, execute complex computations, and provide fault tolerance and availability. Operating systems for distributed systems need to support communication, coordination, consistency, and concurrency. When designing these aspects, some of the choices to consider include the communication model, coordination model, consistency model, and concurrency model. The communication model should take into account the bandwidth, latency, reliability, security, format, protocol, and semantics of the messages and data. The coordination model should consider the degree of coupling, sequence of events, and conflict resolution among the nodes (which may involve consensus algorithms, distributed transactions, or distributed locking mechanisms). The consistency model should weigh the performance versus correctness of the data (which may involve replication strategies, consistency protocols, or consistency levels). Finally, the concurrency model should focus on scalability, efficiency, and correctness of parallel execution (which may involve parallel programming models, distributed scheduling algorithms or distributed debugging tools).