Once you have created and optimized your VR content, you need to distribute it to your audience. You have several options to do so, depending on your goals, budget, and resources. For example, you can use dedicated VR platforms, such as Oculus, SteamVR, or YouTube VR, to host and share your content. These platforms offer a large and active VR community as well as features and tools to enhance the VR experience. However, they also have specific requirements and limitations such as file format, size, and duration that you need to comply with. Additionally, you can use web-based technologies such as HTML5, WebGL, or WebXR to create and deliver your content through the browser. This will allow you to reach a wider and more diverse audience as well as integrate your content with other web elements. Alternatively, you can use mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets to create and display your content. Mobile VR is convenient and accessible since it does not require expensive or bulky equipment. However, it also has some limitations such as lower quality, performance, interactivity, shorter battery life, and higher heat generation compared to dedicated VR devices.