Conducting usability testing requires following some best practices. You should schedule testing sessions in advance and confirm the details with your participants, sending them a reminder and a link to access the prototype before it starts. Setting up the environment and equipment is also necessary, making sure you have a reliable internet connection, microphone, camera, and screen recorder. Additionally, if you are using a third-party tool or platform, become familiar with its features and functions. Introduce yourself and your project, explain the purpose and scope of testing, then ask participants to sign a consent form and inform them about their rights and responsibilities such as confidentiality, privacy, and feedback. Ask them to perform tasks or scenarios that you have prepared while observing how they interact with your prototype. Encourage them to think aloud and share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions without leading or influencing their actions or responses. Ask for ratings and comments on their experience using a survey or questionnaire to measure the usability of your website prototype. Finally, thank the participants for their participation and feedback by providing compensation or incentive.