The sixth and final step is to review and evaluate your solution, and to communicate your findings and learnings. You need to explain whether your solution solved the problem, met the goals, and delivered the expected results. You also need to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your solution, the challenges and opportunities, and the lessons and insights. For example, you might say: "We have completed the implementation of our solution, and we are happy to report that it was successful. We have increased our CTR by 1.8%, our traffic by 22%, our conversions by 17%, and our ROI by 10%. We have also improved our ad rank and visibility for this keyword group. However, we also faced some challenges, such as the fluctuation of the keyword demand and the competition, and the changes in the user behavior and preferences. We have learned that we need to constantly monitor and optimize our campaigns, and to test different strategies and tactics to improve our SEM performance."