In order to find the critical path, you need to create a network diagram that demonstrates the relationships and durations of all the project tasks. This graphical representation of the project scope consists of nodes for each task and arrows for each dependency. You can either utilize software tools or draw it manually by following these steps: listing all the project tasks and their durations, identifying start and end tasks, milestones, and deliverables, recognizing dependencies between tasks such as finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-to-finish, or start-to-finish, drawing nodes and arrows according to the dependencies and labeling each node with the task name and duration. The next step is to calculate the earliest start and finish times for each task by adding the durations from the start node to the end node (forward pass), followed by subtracting the durations from the end node to the start node (backward pass). Finally, you can identify those tasks that have the same earliest and latest start and finish times - these are your critical tasks that form your critical path.