How can you build resilience to handle job rejections?
Job rejections can be painful, frustrating, and demoralizing, especially if you have been searching for a long time or invested a lot of effort in an application. However, you can learn to cope with them and use them as opportunities to grow, improve, and adapt. In this article, you will discover some strategies to build resilience to handle job rejections and bounce back from them with confidence and optimism.
Cara E. Houser ?The Burnout Lady ?? Workplace Engagement Coach Building Burnout-Free Leaders & Cultures ?? Keynote Speaker, Author of…
Deidra Cox???????????? ?????????????????? & ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????? | "???????????????? ????????????…
Vikram DuggalInfluenced 35,000+ people as a Leadership & Career Coach | Regional Director - Hyderabad, The Alpha Group