How can you balance user needs in R&D experiments?
As a product manager, you know that R&D experiments are essential for innovation and improvement. But how can you ensure that your experiments are aligned with your user needs and not just your own assumptions or preferences? In this article, we will explore some strategies to balance user needs in R&D experiments and avoid wasting time and resources on solutions that don't solve real problems.
Keerthanapriyaa KumaravelMSc Management of Technology Student - TU Delft | Public speaker | Technical Management | Technical Entrepreneurship |…
Marily Nika, Ph.DGen AI Product @ Google | Get AI PM Certified with my AI PM Bootcamp | AI PhD | TED AI | Fortune 40u40 |…
Yelena LimanHelping CEOs Unlock $100K+ in Growth Opportunities Through Strategic Optimization | Strategy Expert for Mid-Sized Tech…