How can you avoid scope creep and change fatigue in Lean Six Sigma projects?
Scope creep and change fatigue are two common challenges that can derail Lean Six Sigma projects and undermine their benefits. Scope creep occurs when the project scope expands beyond the original goals, adding complexity, cost, and time. Change fatigue occurs when the project team and stakeholders experience resistance, burnout, or apathy due to the amount and pace of change. In this article, you will learn some practical tips to avoid these pitfalls and ensure your Lean Six Sigma projects deliver value and improvement.
Heitor Ruiz LeonelTransforma??o Digital | Master BlackBelt | CBPP | Agile & OKR Coach | Lean & Kaizen | Change Management | Experiência…
Gabriel José de SouzaCompras | Strategic Sourcing | Supply Chain | Inteligência de Suprimentos | Gest?o de Estoques
Mit Shah, CLSSGBManufacturing Engineer II at ITW