Team development theory describes the stages that a team goes through as it forms, develops, and matures: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Each stage has its own characteristics, challenges, and opportunities for the leader and the team. For example, if you want to create a spa team culture that is cohesive and collaborative, you can use team development theory to guide your team through the stages, and provide the appropriate support and intervention at each stage. For instance, in the forming stage, you can help your team members get to know each other and establish trust; in the storming stage, you can help your team members resolve conflicts and clarify expectations; in the norming stage, you can help your team members agree on norms and goals; in the performing stage, you can help your team members achieve results and celebrate successes; and in the adjourning stage, you can help your team members reflect and say goodbye. By using team development theory, you can enhance your spa team's dynamics and outcomes.