Analyzing financial statements for property management requires comparing and benchmarking your properties against each other and the market. Doing so can help you recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your properties, as well as any opportunities or threats in the market. Historical comparison entails examining a property's financial statements over different periods of time, such as month-to-month, quarter-to-quarter, or year-to-year. This will help you assess trends and changes in the property's financial performance and health, as well as evaluate the effects of your decisions and actions. Additionally, portfolio comparison involves comparing the financial statements of different properties within your portfolio, such as by location, type, size, age, etc. This will enable you to assess the diversity and balance of your portfolio, so that you can allocate resources and attention accordingly. Lastly, market comparison involves comparing the financial statements of your properties with similar ones in the market. This will help you ascertain the competitiveness and attractiveness of your properties, allowing you to adjust pricing and strategy accordingly.