To ensure successful alignment, a systematic and proactive approach is necessary. This includes establishing a clear and shared vision and strategy that guides the budget process and aligns with corporate governance standards. It is also important to define roles and responsibilities of the board, management, and budget holders in the budget process, while providing them with the necessary skills and resources. Additionally, budget policies and procedures should be developed that are realistic, flexible, and adaptable to changing circumstances. Moreover, SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) budget targets and indicators should be set that reflect the organization's goals and performance expectations. It is essential to monitor and evaluate budget performance regularly and report the results to the board, management, and budget holders. Feedback should be used to identify any issues or gaps in order to improve the budget process and outcomes. Finally, engaging with the board, management, and budget holders throughout the budget process can help foster a culture of collaboration, trust, and accountability.