Once you have gathered and analyzed information about your audience, you can use it to tailor your speech to their needs, interests, and expectations. You should select a relevant topic that is appropriate for the occasion, meaningful for the audience, and manageable for you. Additionally, you should develop a clear thesis that states the main idea of your speech in one sentence and captures your audience's attention. Furthermore, you should organize your main points in a logical and coherent way that supports your thesis and helps your audience follow your message. Moreover, you should use credible and varied sources of evidence, such as facts, statistics, examples, stories, or quotes to back up your main points and appeal to your audience's emotions and logic. Additionally, you should use visual aids such as slides, charts, graphs, or images to enhance your speech and make it more engaging and memorable for your audience. Moreover, you should adjust your language to match your audience's level of understanding, culture, and values. Finally, you should modify your delivery with effective vocal and nonverbal techniques such as volume, tone, eye contact, gestures or movement to convey your confidence, enthusiasm and sincerity.