Maintaining tailings ponds is essential for extending their lifespan, improving their efficiency, and reducing their risks. To do this, it is important to consider the site conditions, tailings characteristics, and regulatory standards when designing and constructing the pond. This includes selecting the best location, size, shape, liner, dam, spillway, and drainage system. Additionally, a tailings management plan should be implemented and followed which outlines the objectives, procedures, and responsibilities for operating, monitoring, and closing the pond. This plan should also define the frequency, methods, and criteria for tailings deposition, water management, treatment, and disposal. Furthermore, regular inspections and audits of the pond should be performed to identify any defects or malfunctions. This includes checking the integrity of the liner, dam, spillway, drainage system, sensors, instruments, and treatment systems. Lastly, preventive or corrective measures should be taken to address any issues or incidents that may affect the pond or the environment. This could include repairing or replacing any faulty equipment or adding or removing water or reagents.