How can supply chain mapping improve your industrial engineering systems design?
Supply chain mapping is a powerful tool for industrial engineering systems design and optimization. It helps you visualize and analyze the flow of materials, information, and money across your network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers. By creating a supply chain map, you can identify the key processes, resources, risks, and opportunities that affect your system performance, efficiency, and resilience. In this article, you will learn how to use supply chain mapping to improve your industrial engineering systems design in four steps.
William NogueiraGreen Belt | Supervisor de Manuten??o | Planejamento de Manuten??o| RCM | Análise de Falhas | Gest?o da Manuten??o |…
Mohammad NaserIndustrial Engineer | Project Management | Product Development | Digital Transformation | Data Science and Analytics |…
Cyril FOUGEROUSE“Your Supply Chain Sensei to drive change and deliver sustainable performance" - Supply Chain Management - Operational…