How can regression analysis be used to identify which products are most likely to be purchased together?
If you are a business intelligence (BI) professional, you probably want to know how to leverage data to optimize your marketing, sales, and product strategies. One way to do that is to use regression analysis to identify which products are most likely to be purchased together by your customers. This can help you create effective bundles, cross-sell and upsell offers, and personalized recommendations. In this article, you will learn what regression analysis is, how it works, and how to apply it to your product data.
Pedro Henrique Corrêa MarianoGerente | Consultor | Controladoria | Finan?as | Or?amento | Processos
Hemant D.Manager & BI Architect @ Capgemini | Certified Tableau Developer| Power BI |Teradata |Python |MS BI full stack | Azure
Sangeetha SasikumarLooking for new roles in Software Engineering, Data Science/Analytics or GIS | Data Science Grad Student