After the observation, the mentor and the teacher should have a debriefing session, where they discuss the lesson and the feedback. The debriefing session should be timely, preferably within 24 hours of the observation, and structured, following a clear agenda and format. The mentor should start by asking the teacher to share their self-evaluation and reflection, and then provide their feedback, using the data and evidence they collected. The feedback should be balanced, highlighting the teacher's strengths and areas for improvement, and specific, offering concrete examples and suggestions. The mentor should also use open-ended questions, active listening, and coaching techniques to elicit the teacher's responses and ideas. The teacher should listen attentively and respectfully, and ask questions or clarifications if needed. They should also share their own opinions and perspectives, and acknowledge their achievements and challenges. The debriefing session should end with the mentor and the teacher agreeing on the next steps, such as setting goals, action plans, and follow-up activities.