Evaluating the performance of discriminant analysis requires several metrics that measure accuracy and reliability of classification. Common metrics include the confusion matrix, which reveals the number of correctly and incorrectly classified observations for each group, as well as the overall accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, F1 score, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under the curve (AUC). To calculate these metrics in R, you can use functions such as table(), prop.table(), caret::sensitivity(), caret::specificity(), caret::precision(), caret::F1(), and pROC::roc(). As an example, you can evaluate the performance of LDA and QDA on the iris dataset by splitting it into training and testing sets, performing LDA and QDA on the training set, predicting group membership for the testing set using LDA and QDA, creating confusion matrices for each model, calculating overall accuracy for each model, calculating sensitivity, specificity, and precision for each model, calculating F1 score for each model, plotting ROC curves for each model, and calculating AUC for each model.