To illustrate how airport managers can effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities, here are some examples. A terminal manager can assign a customer service agent to conduct a customer satisfaction survey. The manager should explain the purpose, scope, and timeline of the survey, as well as provide the agent with the tools, budget, and authority to design and implement it. Additionally, they should set criteria and indicators for the survey results, and meet with the agent weekly to monitor progress and offer support. At the end of the project, the agent should present their findings and recommendations to management. An operations manager can appoint a team leader to manage baggage handling systems. They should define roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the team leader; allocate resources, training, and feedback; and monitor performance and quality regularly. The security manager can delegate updating security procedures and protocols to a security officer. They should inform the officer of objectives, standards, and deadlines of the task, guide them on researching, reviewing, and revising procedures; provide access to other security experts; evaluate updated procedures; and offer feedback.