If you want to get started with agile methodologies as a facilitator, you can begin by familiarizing yourself with the core values and principles of agile methodologies and the benefits and challenges of applying them. You can read books, articles, blogs, podcasts, or videos on agile topics or take online courses or workshops. Then, select an agile methodology that suits your problem, context, and group. After that, define your problem clearly and concisely using user stories. Once you have done that, create your backlog by listing all the user stories that represent the scope of your problem solving project. Then, plan your sprints by selecting a set of user stories from the backlog that you will complete within a fixed time period. Execute your sprints by working on your user stories and delivering working software frequently. Review your sprints by reflecting on what went well, what went wrong, and what can be improved. Finally, repeat the cycle of planning, executing, and reviewing your sprints until you solve your problem or reach your desired outcome.