Here's how you can navigate the changing demands of the economics profession.
As the world evolves, so too does the field of economics. Staying ahead in this dynamic profession requires adaptability and a keen eye for emerging trends. Whether you're a seasoned economist or just starting out, understanding the current landscape and what's on the horizon is crucial. The economics profession is no longer just about supply and demand curves; it's about big data, policy impact, and global interconnectedness. So, let's explore how you can navigate these changing demands and remain relevant in the field.
Sarah LacocheDirectrice Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des fraudes - Inspectrice générale des…
Marco Antonio Vinelli RuizDirector ESAN School of Government, Director de la Maestria en Administración de Agronegocios en ESAN, y Gerente…
Ana M. López UAMPhD Economist, Data Analyst&Professor at UAM, Deputy Dean "Colegio de Economistas de Madrid", Former Dean Economics-UAM…