Here's how you can gain valuable insights by seeking feedback from your peers in administrative assistance.
In the bustling world of administrative assistance, feedback from peers is a treasure trove of insights that can propel your career forward. It's an invaluable tool for personal and professional growth, and seeking it actively can lead to remarkable improvements in your skill set. By embracing peer feedback, you not only hone your abilities but also foster a collaborative work environment that benefits everyone involved. So, let’s delve into how you can tap into this resource and enrich your administrative capabilities.
Silvia Rossi SicchierolliAssistente Executiva na Orica | Suporte Executivo | Organiza??o de Eventos | Discri??o e Confidencialidade
Fabiola CastroCEO Práticos Descartáveis & Embalagens | Massoterapeuta | Psicóloga Clínica
Maíra Sim?esSecretária Executiva | Assessoria Executiva | Administrativo | Facilities