Here's how you can effectively communicate your research objectives and outcomes to your boss.
Communicating research to your boss requires clarity and relevance, ensuring that the information you present aligns with your company's goals and your boss's expectations. You must articulate your research objectives clearly, provide concise updates during the process, and deliver outcomes that demonstrate value. This involves a strategic approach to information sharing, where you tailor your communication style to your boss's preferences, use visual aids effectively, and anticipate questions or concerns. By mastering these communication skills, you can make your research resonate, showing its impact on the business and reinforcing your role as a valuable asset to the team.
Ayishat YussufJunior at Spelman College. Psychology Major. Public Health Minor. Author. Aspiring Environmental Health Scientist.
Ankita BhattacharyaTalent acquisition specialist at Plative ll Content creation expert ll Organic Growth Strategist ll Content Marketing…
Michael Shank, Ph.D.Adjunct Assistant Professor @ New York University