As a Facility Manager, how do you make sure you’re solving the right problems?
Facility Management (FM) is a complex and dynamic field that requires a variety of skills and knowledge to manage the physical assets, services, and operations of an organization. As a Facility Manager, you are constantly faced with challenges and opportunities to improve the performance, efficiency, and sustainability of your facilities. But how do you know that you are addressing the most important and relevant problems for your stakeholders, and not wasting time and resources on irrelevant or superficial issues?
Rodrigo Cesar Ueda da LuzFacility Manager | Hard Facilities Management | Engenheiro Civil | Especialista em Gest?o de Negócios e Patologias das…
Randall Re II (CFM) (LSSYB) (PSM I)I help job seekers no longer get ignored during their job search with my AI-Enhanced Career services | US Veteran, AI…