Executives are clashing over campaign messaging. How will you navigate the discord and find a unified voice?
Dive into the debate: How would you bridge the divide in executive ranks and foster unity in messaging?
Executives are clashing over campaign messaging. How will you navigate the discord and find a unified voice?
Dive into the debate: How would you bridge the divide in executive ranks and foster unity in messaging?
When executives clash over campaign messaging, navigating the discord requires a balanced, collaborative approach. First, actively listen to each viewpoint to understand the core concerns and objectives behind each stance. Then, facilitate an open dialogue where everyone can express their perspectives without judgment. Identify common goals and use those as the foundation for finding common ground. Encourage compromise by focusing on the audience’s needs and aligning the messaging with the brand’s vision. Finally, suggest a unified, cohesive solution that addresses the concerns of all parties while prioritizing clarity and consistency in the campaign’s message.
Ask clarifying questions to figure out the reason behind why they are disagreeing. Are they worried about how a message would be perceived? Does one person want to focus on an apology but another want to keep attention on what's next? You can't bridge a gap until you know where the gap is.
Assuma o papel de mediador e foque no propósito comum. Primeiro, reúno os envolvidos para entender suas vis?es e encontrar pontos de convergência. Depois, defino uma mensagem central que represente cada perspectiva de forma equilibrada e alinhada à identidade da marca.
Get your executives in a room (if possible) and align on the overall campaign strategy, goals and target audience, and remind them that effective messaging can maximize campaign performance. Then reshare the talking points/ key messages and ask them to follow them. The most important thing is to get everyone on the same page on the strategy and direction before reinforcing the key messages.
Keep in mind that some of those involved may have adopted a position without really thinking it through, or being qualified to even have an opinion. Create a door through which they can withdraw without losing face.
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