Balancing code quality and project timelines: Can you have both without compromising one?
In software development, the tug-of-war between maintaining code quality and adhering to project timelines is a challenge you're likely familiar with. It's a delicate balance, where focusing too much on one can compromise the other, potentially leading to technical debt or missed deadlines. However, with the right strategies and mindset, it's possible to uphold high-quality code while keeping projects on track. This article aims to guide you through this balancing act, ensuring your codebase remains robust and your clients stay happy.
Shivangi TiwariPersonal Branding Strategist for CEOs , Executives and B2B Companies | Product Manager | Ex- Software Engineer
Joaquin Eduardo MateosArquitecto de Software, Líder Técnico y Desarrollador | Mentor IT | Fundador de JDev
Stanislav BondarenkoСRO ???? | ML & AI | SportsTech | Tailored Tech Solutions for Startups & SMBs. Enthusiastic about Sports, Green Living…